
Hi, This is Harun.

Currently, Harun is a software engineer at Midas who takes role in building Crypto domain. He is using Golang and GraphQL day to day, and Java if needed. Also, it is an absolute must for him to utilize AWS, Kubernetes and Microservices. Harun gains knowledge about finance domain and its complexities day to day, after he built a structured domain knowledge about mobile gaming industry at Good Job Games

Harun has a big passion for designing and building large-scale software that serves to millions of people with ease. He pursues a career to be a software architect in the future.

Harun considers himself a “forever student” eager to both learning different branches of Computer Science and also stay in tune with the latest technologies.


Even though Harun is more familiar with building backend services with using Golang. He often uses cloud services such as AWS and Dapr, messaging software such as RabbitMQ, and Infrastructure as Code tools such as Pulumi.

Harun also has background in Parallel Programming with OpenMP and MPI, GPU Programming with CUDA, and Numerical Analysis with MATLAB.


Harun has Bachelor of Science degree with double major in Computer Science and Mathematics from Koc University.

Harun achieved Magna Cum Laude degree with CGPA 3.73/4.00. He also received Vehbi Koc Scholar Award between 2017-2020.


Harun was an amateur theatre actor between 2016-2018 at Koc University Theatre Student Branch. For two years, he took the stage many times in multiple theaters.

Harun also had a part in organizing various career events of Entrepreneurship and Engineering student branches. He was the founding chairman of IEEE Computer Science branch of Koc University.

Furthermore, He was volunteering to teach coding to children with using Scratch.

Nowadays, Harun loves to go to theatre plays, and explore places with delicious food around Istanbul.